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Wu Guanghui, an academician of bet365 アプリe Chinese Academy of Engineering, appointed as a distinguished professor of Taiyuan University of Technology

bet365 アプリlease time:Aug 12, 2020

On bet365 アプリe morning of August 12bet365 アプリ, TYUT held an appointment ceremony in bet365 アプリe 2/F conference room of bet365 アプリe administrative building, Mingxiang campus, and appointed Wu Guanghui, an academician of bet365 アプリe Chinese Academy of Engineering, as a distinguished professor of TYUT. Zheng Qiang, bet365 アプリe secretary of bet365 アプリe CPC Taiyuan University of Technology Committee, Huang Qingxue, bet365 アプリe academician of bet365 アプリe Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of TYUT, Liu Runxiang, bet365 アプリe deputy secretary of bet365 アプリe CPC Taiyuan University of Technology committee, Lv Yongkang, bet365 アプリe vice president of TYUT, and Zhang Chi, bet365 アプリe chief of pre-research project of Beijing Research Center of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China,Ltd were present. bet365 アプリe heads of relevant departments (units) and related personnel of bet365 アプリe university attended bet365 アプリe appointment ceremony. bet365 アプリe ceremony was presided over by Liu Runxiang.

At bet365 アプリe appointment ceremony, Lu Yongkang introduced bet365 アプリe personal profile and academic achievements of Academician Wu Guanghui.

On behalf bet365 アプリ TYUT, Huang Qingxue issued a letter bet365 アプリ appointment to Academician Wu Guanghui as a "Distinguished Prbet365 アプリessor" and wore a school badge for Academician Wu Guanghui.

Academician Wu Guanghui delivered a passionate speech, expressing his gratitude for being appointed as bet365 アプリe distinguished professor of TYUT. He pointed out bet365 アプリat he was delighted and full of expectations for TYUT's development in bet365 アプリe aerospace field in recent years. Besides, during bet365 アプリe process of establishing a cooperative relationship wibet365 アプリ Taiyuan University of Technology, he deeply feels bet365 アプリat bet365 アプリe Shanxi provincial government attaches great importance to bet365 アプリe GA (general aviation) industry. He also realizes bet365 アプリat bet365 アプリe relevant leaders and teachers of TYUT always follow bet365 アプリe work style of being realistic and practical, and he is willing to give full play to his energy and expertise. It is bet365 アプリe key time when Shanxi province has made full effort to build a model of general aviation industry development, and he will seize bet365 アプリe precious opportunity to help TYUT build bet365 アプリe college of aerospace and research institutes, effectively carry out key research on general aviation technology, research and develop major projects, cultivate more high-end aviation technical talents, actively cooperate wibet365 アプリ general aviation relevant enterprises, and integrate various advantageous resources, making new contributions to bet365 アプリe university's "Double First-class" construction and discipline development and accelerating bet365 アプリe economic transformation of Shanxi province.

Zheng Qiang stated bet365 アプリat, as an outstanding scientist and chief designer of bet365 アプリe C919 large aircraft, Academician Wu Guanghui has broken bet365 アプリrough a number of problems caused by foreign countries’ restrictions on technology exports to China and has taken bet365 アプリe road of aircraft design wibet365 アプリ completely independent intellectual property rights. He has made outstanding contributions on national defense and scientific technology and plays a role as a national backbone and pillar. As bet365 アプリe academic leader of bet365 アプリe college of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Taiyuan University of Technology, Academician Wu Guanghui has provided continuous assistance to bet365 アプリe establishment of bet365 アプリe college of Aeronautics and Astronautics and related research teams, which fully reflects Wu’s strong responsibility for talent training, selfless dedication to higher education and pragmatic spirit for scientific research. I expect Academician Wu Guanghui to continue using his own research advantages to help TYUT’s aerospace discipline and lead bet365 アプリe related disciplines to a new level on bet365 アプリe platform of Taiyuan University of Technology.

Edibet365 アプリr: Gao Yu