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Fengfeng wu 遊雅堂 出金

遊雅堂 出金lease time:Sep 27, 2020

Pr遊雅堂 出金essional title: Assistant Pr遊雅堂 出金essor
Address: 209 University Street, Jinzhong City, Shanxi 遊雅堂 出金ovince, China
E-mail: wffqll00@163.遊雅堂 出金m

Education Experience

2020,Ph.D., Manufacturing Engineering 遊雅堂 出金 Aerospace, Beihang University.

2017,M.S.,Aircraft Design Engineering,Civil Aviation University 遊雅堂 出金 China.

2014,B.S.,Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering,Nanchang Hangkong 遊雅堂 出金iversity.

Research Intere遊雅堂 出金s

■ Aircraft flexible assembly

■ Surface finishing of advanced 遊雅堂 出金mponent


[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Assembling adaptive-based study on flexible precise locating strategy of aeronautical large size monolithic 遊雅堂 出金mponent, 2018/01-2020/12.

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Theoretical research on precise 遊雅堂 出金nstruction of particle flow field in mass finishing processes for aeroengine blisks, 2019/01-2022/12.

[3] 遊雅堂 出金urses system 遊雅堂 出金nstruction of aircraft design and engineering specialty under “reduced teaching hour wider employment channel” situation, University-level Educational Reformation and Innovation, 2020.

[4] Optimal assembly of a skin panel onto the fuselage framework based on force 遊雅堂 出金ntrol technology, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 230(06): 447-451.