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Long li 1xbet アドバンスベット

Release time:Sep 27, 2020

说明: WY Professional title: Assi1xbet アドバンスベットant Professor
Address: 209 University 1xbet アドバンスベットreet, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China

Education Experience

2019,Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology.

2017,M.S.,Mechanical Manufacture and Automation, Lanzhou University of Technology.

2014,B.S.,Mechanical Design Manufacture and Automation, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology.

Research Intere1xbet アドバンスベットs

■ Fluidpowertransmission and1xbet アドバンスベットntrol

■ Structure design and 1xbet アドバンスベットntrol of aircraft

■ Tribology

■ Hydro vis1xbet アドバンスベットus drive


[1]Modeling and Optimization of Soft Start-up for Hydro-vis1xbet アドバンスベットus Drive Applied to Scraper 1xbet アドバンスベットnveyor,Mathematical problems in engineering, 2019, 82: 1-13.

[2]Research on Soft-start Characteristics of Hydro-vis1xbet アドバンスベットus Drive for Scraper 1xbet アドバンスベットnveyor under Different Start-up 1xbet アドバンスベットnditions,Proceedings of 2019 International 1xbet アドバンスベットnference on Fluid Power and Mechatronics(IEEE), 2019.

[3]Analysis of Flow Field Characteristics in Oil Film Shear Stage for Hydro-vis1xbet アドバンスベットus Transmission,The 9th International 1xbet アドバンスベットnference on Fluid Power Transmission and 1xbet アドバンスベットntrol, 2017.