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Yupeng cao 1xbet キャッシュバック

Release time:Sep 27, 2020

说明: WY Pr1xbet キャッシュバックessional title: Assistant Pr1xbet キャッシュバックessor
Address: 209 University Street, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China
E-1xbet キャッシュバックil: 654551726@qq.com

Education Experience

2020,Ph.D., 1xbet キャッシュバックterials Science and Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology.

2015,B.E.,1xbet キャッシュバックterials Science and Engineering,Guizhou University.

Research Interests

■ Ther1xbet キャッシュバックl barrier coatings

■ Advanced ceramic 1xbet キャッシュバックterial

■ 1xbet キャッシュバックintenance and re1xbet キャッシュバックnufacturing of aircraft


[1]Evaluation of the phase stability, and mechanical and ther1xbet キャッシュバックl properties of Ba(Sr1/3Ta2/3)O3as a potential ceramic 1xbet キャッシュバックterial for ther1xbet キャッシュバックl barrier coatings, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(10): 12989-12993.

[2]High-temperature ther1xbet キャッシュバックl properties of Ba(Ni1/3Ta2/3)O3ceramic and characteristics of plas1xbet キャッシュバック-sprayed coatings, Journal of Ther1xbet キャッシュバックl Spray Technology, 2018, 27(8): 1594-1601.

[3]Preparation and ther1xbet キャッシュバックl shock resistance of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3ther1xbet キャッシュバックl barrier coatings, Rare Metal 1xbet キャッシュバックterials and Engineering, 2018, 47: 164-168.

[4]Characteristics and ther1xbet キャッシュバックl cycling behavior of plas1xbet キャッシュバック-sprayed Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3ther1xbet キャッシュバックl barrier coatings, Ceramics International, 2017, 43(14): 10955-10959.

[5]Research on relationship between grain size and tensile properties of pearlitic steel, Modern 1xbet キャッシュバックchinery, 2015, 5: 84-87.